dr Shahid Parvez


Why Obesity Must Worry You

Obesity is spreading slowly like a scourge across the entire around the globe. It’s not just a just a matter of weight gain, but it can lead to more serious issues such as heart disease, diabetes breathing problems such as asthma and sleep apnea, osteoarthritis that causes constant joint pain, as well as cancers of the ovary the breast, esophagus and colon. It can affect all aspects of every daily life. It is scientifically proven that obesity can cut the length that you live by 14 years.

When the simple things you do become an effort, it’s the time to start looking for ways to lose weight.

Bariatric Surgery

How can we define obesity levels?

The amount of weight you have is determined by measuring the Body Mass Index (BMI). BMI is simply an expression of the ratio between your body weight and height.

The BMI calculation is done by dividing the weight of a person in proportion to the height of their square.

The Indication for BMI Range

CATEGORY                                      BMI RANGE

Normal Size                                    16.5 to 22.4

Overweight                                     22.5 to 27.4

Class I, Obesity                              27.5 to 32.4

Class II, Serious Obesity               32.5 to 37.4

The Class III is Severe Obesit                   37.5 and higher

The Indication for BMI Range

CATEGORY                                      BMI RANGE

Normal Size                                    16.5 to 22.4

Overweight                                     22.5 to 27.4

Class I, Obesity                              27.5 to 32.4

Class II, Serious Obesity               32.5 to 37.4

The Class III is Severe Obesit                   37.5 and higher

In the Asian people, who tend to be more susceptible to developing the truncal or central obesity the waist circumference is also used to assess the degree of obesity.

BMI is only one of the indicators to determine your weight and the potential risk of health issues that may arise from it. It is recommended that National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute guidelines advise to examine waist circumference, especially for Asian people who are more susceptible to Truncal Obesity or Pot belly overweight.

Weight Loss

What is the cause of Obesity?

It is vital to recognize that obesity isn’t only caused by poor eating habits.

Obesity may be the result of medical issues such as Thyroid issues, Cushing syndrome or PCOD and so on. It could also be the due to genetic issues that make it difficult to shed weight or maintain weight loss.

An exhaustive and thorough assessment of the exact causes of obesity is vital to achieve the desired and best outcomes in terms of weight loss.

Weight Loss
Weight Loss surgery

Why Bariatric Surgery?

  • This is the sole option that provides lasting, substantial weight loss that is effective and sustainable.
  • There are a variety of weight-loss or bariatric procedures, each with its own specific indications and advantages.
  • Based on the type of procedure, it could be a limitation on calories consumed by the body or reduce the quantity of calories taken in by the body, or it may be a combination both.
  • Additionally, it triggers hormonal changes to the body that reduce appetite, manages your blood pressure, and diabetes.
Bariatric symptoms

Who is a candidate for Bariatric Surgery?

A specialist in bariatrics is the most qualified person to determine if you should consider the bariatric procedure. But certain guidelines can assist you determine the best person to undergo weight reduction surgery:

  • Your BMI should be greater than 37.5
  • In the event that your BMI falls higher than 32.5 and you suffer from health issues related to obesity such as high blood pressure, diabetes and respiratory issues such as asthma, sleep apnoea or excessive snoring. Joint issues like osteoarthritis, and even when obesity begins to affect your day-to-day activities.
Bariatric symptoms
  • If you’re not able to shed weight or maintain your weight loss with a medically-supervised program for weight loss.
  • If you are suffering from obesity, it can hinder your daily activities , and even simple tasks require a lot of effort.
Weight Loss symptoms

Types Of Bariatric Surgery/Weight Loss Surgery

There are numerous types of bariatric suregy procedures. Procedures for weight loss are listed below:

  • Intra Gastric Balloon Surgery
  • Adjustable Gastric Banding Surgery
  • Sleeve Gastrectomy Surgery
  • Banded and non-banded Roux-en y Gastric Bypass Surgery
  • Single Incision Bariatric Surgery
  • Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery
  • Duodenal Switch Surgery
  • Sleeve gastrectomy, with loop duodenojejunal bypass (DJB) procedure
  • Sleeve gastrectomy, with a single anastomosis duodeno Ileostomy (SADI-S)
  • Bariatric revision surgery in Dombivli – kalyan , Navi Mumbai where the procedure can be converted into another procedure for obesity surgery.