dr Shahid Parvez


What Does Anal Fissures Actually Mean?

Anal Fissures, medically speaking, is a condition that occurs mostly due to a tear in the lining in the rectum. This is usually caused by severe constipation, which means that they cannot pass stool normally. People with hard stool need to urinate more often because their stool becomes abnormally thick. Patients suffering from Anal Fissures may experience painful bleeding.

Anal Fissures

Anal Fissures: What are the symptoms?

Anal fissure patients often exhibit the following symptoms:

  • Discharging the bowels can cause mild to moderate pain, and then it can become severe.
  • Frequent pain after discharging bowels
  • It is common for the pain to last several hours.
  • After pooping, bloody stains on the stool or toilet paper can be seen
  • Cuts in the skin around or near the anus
  • There is a small swelling near the fissure.

There is a small swelling near the fissure.

what is Anal Fissures

When should I see a doctor?

If you have the following problems, it is mandatory to see a doctor.

  • After a bowel movement, you may feel pain for hours.
  • Persisting discomfort
  • An increasing impression of blood in blood
  • Breathing difficulties
what is Anal Fissures
what is Fissures

what is Fissures

Multiple causes can be found in many cases. These could include:

  • Severe constipation
  • Continuing Diarrhoea
  • Unnatural Anal Intercourse
  • Hard Bowel Movement
  • Anus overstretching


In extreme cases, the disease can progress to the following:

  • Anal Cancer
  • Syphilis
  • Tuberculosis
  • Herpes
symptoms of Anal Fissures

Treatment for Fissure

If the patient receives the correct treatment, anal fissures can be treated completely. Experts also discuss home remedies that can be equally effective and efficient. These are some of the options:

  • Non-prescription stool softeners
  • Increase your fluid intake
  • Take fiber supplements and eat fiber-rich foods
  • Local use of topical painkillers
  • To relax your anal muscles, take a sitz-bath
  • To promote blood flow, use a nitroglycerin lotion
symptoms of Anal Fissures

If the symptoms do not improve after two weeks of treatment, you should see a doctor to get a further exam and diagnosis. You can be recommended the best treatment.

If the disease is not responding to medical treatment, the doctor might suggest an anal sphincterotomy. This is a surgical procedure that allows the doctor to make a small cut in your anal sphincter. It relaxes the muscles around the anus opening. This treatment speeds up the healing process and makes you feel more comfortable. Laser surgery is the best because it doesn’t require any incisions. The treatment is also 100% successful.